- Type de livraison:Livraison
- Etat de l'objet:Neuf
257we provide our costumers withf equipment , specialized technicians and products , fast and encrypted banknotes in the following colors: black, Green and red . Our misson is the complete satisfaction of our customers and for this we provide for any job a range of hyper professional and state -the- art services and materils ; we dispose .
- Specialized TECHNICIANS
-thermal cleaning machines for banknotes
-machines for calorimetric heating of banknotes
-Molecular preservative powder
-Efficient and fast universal banknote cleaner
- Banking institutions
- Humanitarian organisations
- The song
- Private and public administrations
- Financial organisations
- Individuals we work on a base percentage of 15% in order to provide you with all the material necessary for your work 100% guaranted
WTHS / +216 53 18 89 89 : +33 605 67 24 45 : +212 628 55 15 91 INTERNATIONAL : +216 26 07 40 53
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